Evacuation Preparations for Your Pets

Article Written by:
Glenn Nader, University of California Cooperative Extension, Yuba City, CA


Have pet carriers ready in case you need to evacuate. This will prevent the animals from escaping during evacuation by limiting their movement in the vehicle and when you arrive at the evacuation destination. Make sure you have a leash if your dog(s) are too large to fit in a pet carrier. Many shelters do not take pets, so make plans before …

Ferret Household Hazards



Ferrets are curious and intelligent creatures. This makes them both fun and entertaining companions, but it can also be the cause of serious injuries and sometimes death. Before buying your companion ferret, it is important to “ferret-proof” your home. While this task may take some time, it is well worth it to keep your ferret safe from pain, serious injuries, and costly surgeries that could occur. It is also important to monitor your ferret when it plays outside of …

Intestinal Parasites


Internal parasites can be found in many different organs and tissues of an animal’s body. One area commonly targeted is the intestines. Parasite infections can occur through a number of possible routes, depending on the parasite species and the stage of the parasite’s life cycle playing a role in transmission. A primary route of infection is ingestion of infective eggs from the environment. Typically this happens when a dog or cat ingests fecal matter or soil that contains fecal …


Molt: To shed a cuticle or exoskeleton during a growth phase.

Molt: To cast or shed the feathers, skin, or the like, that will be replaced by a new growth. In snakes, molting refers to “shedding the skin”. In birds, the replacement of all or some of a bird’s feathers is called a molt. Molting is affected by a number of factors, including an animal’s age, sex, reproductive status, and environmental effects.…

Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis) is a preventable but serious and potentially fatal disease. It is caused by a parasitic worm that primarily infects members of the canid family, including domesticated dogs and wild canids, such as coyotes, wolves, and foxes. The infection is not limited to dogs, as it has been documented in other mammals as well, including cats, ferrets, raccoons, opossums, seals, sea lions, and rarely humans. 


According to the American Heartworm Society, the first published …

Bladder Stones in Guinea Pigs

What are bladder stones?

Uroliths (bladder stones) are mineral structures that form in the bladder.  These uroliths can remain in the bladder or get stuck in the urethra during urination. Sometimes small stones can pass as the guinea pig urinates but more often they cause a problem that can be life threatening. Uroliths can cause irritation to the bladder wall, bloody urine, or can completely block the urethra.

Bladder sludge is defined as gritty particles that accumulate in the bladder …

Getting Ready to Bring A Guinea Pig Home

Guinea pigs make excellent pets for individuals and families. They do not take up much space and are relatively easy to care for. If you decide to bring a guinea pig home, be prepared before the big arrival. Essentials to have on hand include a cage, hut (hiding place), bedding, feed, feed crock, water bottle, and toys.


Your new guinea pig will need a place to play, eat, sleep and feel secure. When selecting a cage, make sure it’s …

Guinea Pig Handling

Guinea pigs are social creatures that love being handled. To create a greater bond with a guinea pig, you can spend time with them to allow them to feel comfortable and safe around you. One way to spend time with your guinea pig is by handling them.

Make sure to wash your hands before and after you hold your guinea pig. To minimize any harm to you or your guinea pig, always use both hands when picking it up.

To …

Grooming Guinea Pigs

Grooming your guinea pig (cavy) is a good way to handle, interact, and bond with your pet. It is also a time to examine your animal for any changes in its overall health.

Your guinea pig must feel secure when being handled and groomed. Before you begin the grooming process, put a low-pile rug or carpet sample on the top of a sturdy table. Place your pet on the covered table and get it used to being handled while on …

Remove a Tick from Your Pet in a Few Simple Steps

To remove a tick from a pet in just a few simple steps, please do the following. We have included a video from the TickEncounter Resource Center for your convenience.

  1. You will first need a small pair of tweezers or forceps. 
  2. Next, grasp the tick firmly and as closely to the tick’s head as possible, but be careful not to pinch the skin. 
  3. Pull gently, and avoid twisting or crushing the tick, until it frees. Be sure the mouth parts