Canine Nutrition Webinars

Dog nutrition continues to evolve to develop a better understanding of dog nutritional requirements and needs. Thirty years ago, nearly everyone thought that dogs were carnivores and that an all meat diet was the best diet for a dog. We learned that dogs are omnivores rather than carnivores and cannot survive on an all met diet for an extended amount of time.

Today, pet food manufactures use what we know about dog nutrition requirements to develop proper rations with the …

Free Canine Nutrition Webinars

Dogs are classified as carnivores, but they like a variety of foods. Whether commercially manufactured or home prepared, dog food needs to provide a nutritionally complete diet to keep animals physically fit and healthy. Different foods provide a balanced diet that meets the dog’s nutrient requirements at specific stages of life.


Four webinars on canine nutrition will be offered in November and December by eXtension Companion Animals, an online resource from Cooperative Extension Services at U.S. land-grant universities.


Upcoming Webinars

Excitement Barking

Training to reduce excitement barking takes patience and a calm approach. Dogs that bark due to excitement are easily aroused, and the owner may inadvertently stimulate more barking rather than less barking. Here are some simple steps to reduce excitement barking.

  • Give the dog a favorite toy to carry when it is excited. Holding the toy can calm the dog and cause it to make less noise because its mouth is full. This strategy may stop the barking only temporarily,

Are shock collars harmful to dogs?

Shock collars (also called bark collars) are a form of punishment and work by remotely delivering an electric shock to the neck. They do cause some pain, which can vary depending upon the intensity of the shock given. While this shock may not cause physical harm, it can cause psychological damage to a dog when used incorrectly, as it relies on very precise timing to deliver the punishment effectively. 

Shock collars differ in the strength of shock they deliver and …

When my cat hisses at me, I notice her breath smells bad. Is something wrong?

Bad breath is common in cats and is generally termed oral malodor (halitosis). In general, it can be attributed to the protein-rich diet leaving food debris in the mouth, or products of metabolizing protein called volatile sulfur compounds. These volatile sulfur compounds are made up of food debris, saliva, blood, and exfoliated epithelium. However, malodor can also be a sign of a larger problem. Gastrointestinal, lung, and systemic diseases can all result in oral malodor. Also, gingivitis, an inflammation of …

Why does my female dog mount her stuffed play toys?

Mounting (also known as “humping” or “hunching”) is a normal behavior in both male and female dogs. While it is part of sexual behavior, it does not always occur in a sexual situation. It is common in play between puppies, establishing dominance, as a stress reliever when a dog is excited or over-stimulated, or as an attention-seeking behavior. If this is a new behavior for your dog, you will want to ask your veterinarian to check that no underlying medical …

I think my dog ate some mushrooms in our backyard. Will they hurt him?

Wild mushrooms can be extremely poisonous to animals and humans, especially if you do not know what type of mushroom was eaten. Your dog should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. Take a sample of the mushroom eaten (in a wet paper towel or a paper bag) and if your dog has vomited, take that with you, too. Signs of mushroom poisoning can be diarrhea, lethargy, or jaundice. Other effects of mushroom poisoning can include unusual changes in behavior such …

My dog's skin is flaking, and fur is falling out. Is that because of the food?

Food allergies are typically presented in dogs with the itching of the skin. However, other signs of food allergies can vary depending on the severity between animals.

The best way to determine if your dog is suffering from a food allergy is to see your veterinarian. If your veterinarian rules out infection or other diseases, he or she will then do an “elimination.” This is a diet that is nutritionally complete, yet it does not contain any of the ingredients …

What is the developmental cycle of baby parrots?

A baby parrot goes through five basic developmental stages: neonate or hatchling, nestling, fledgling, weanling, and juvenile or pre-adolescent.

The first stage is the “neonate” or “hatchling.” This newly hatched baby still has its eyes closed and is completely dependent on its parents or humans to provide food and a warm environment.

The second stage is the “nestling.” At this point, the bird’s eyes are open, but it still relies on a parent bird or human for feedings. It …

Certification for Animal Training/Behavior Professionals

Are you looking for an animal behaviorist or animal trainer? Finding one who is certified by a professional organization for animal behaviorists or animal trainers is a step you can take toward locating the right one to meet your needs. These organizations offer opportunities for animal training/behavior professionals to work together and share information, and they set specific qualifications required to receive certification and join.

This article provides an explanation of the training or education required for certification by specific …