Rabbit Behavioral Problems: Inappropriate Urination

<rabbit long haired


Marking objects or urine spraying is a normal territorial instinct that many domestic and wild rabbits display. Unfortunately, pet rabbits that spray urine create a problem for their owners. Those who own rabbits that spray are constantly faced with how inconvenient and costly this behavior can become. There are a few tips to help prevent this behavior, but the most efficient method is to have your rabbit surgically altered.

It is important to distinguish between urine spraying and …

Rabbit Behavioral Problems: Digging


A rabbit habit that can quickly become a problem is digging. Rabbits that are kept indoors still have the instinct to dig, even if that means tearing up the carpet. Owners can take a few simple steps to prevent rabbits from damaging the flooring of a home.

rabbit and boy 3

Predisposing Factors

In the wild, rabbits create dens by excavating dirt and rocks. This behavior is based on the fact that rabbits are trying to provide shelter for themselves. Domestic rabbits still …

Rabbit Behavioral Problems: Barbering

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Grooming is a normal aspect of rabbit behavior, but occasionally rabbits may develop unwanted grooming habits. Barbering is a form of grooming in which a rabbit repeatedly plucks the hair off itself or another rabbit. Barbering may be caused by several factors, ranging from dominance issues to nutritional deficiencies. Barbering can escalate to the point where rabbits that are housed together may need to be separated.

Predisposing Factors

Barbering can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • Pregnant females

Respiratory Diseases in Rabbits


A rabbit can contract a number of respiratory diseases. Respiratory infections in rabbits are commonly referred to as “snuffles.” Snuffles is characterized by runny eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. Many types of bacteria can cause a respiratory disease in your rabbit. The two most common respiratory infections include bordetellosis and pasteurellosis. Both infections have relatively similar symptoms and causes. The best way to determine which infection your rabbit has is to take your rabbit to a veterinarian as soon …

Head Tilt (Wry Neck) in Rabbits


Some rabbits develop a condition that causes their heads to tilt to one side. This condition is also referred to as wry neck, or torticollis. Head tilt can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the most common causes of wry neck is inner ear disease caused by a parasitic or bacterial infection.

rabbit with boy


Ear mites are common external parasites of rabbits that irritate the lining of the ear and cause watery discharge. This discharge eventually …

Gastrointestinal Stasis in Rabbits

Gastrointestinal (GI) stasis is the term for lack of movement through the digestive or gastrointestinal tract of a rabbit. This disease is often difficult to recognize and treat. It can commonly occur in rabbits that are stressed or have sudden changes to their environment or diet. If not recognized, rabbits may quickly enter into a downward spiral and may die if untreated.

rabbit eating

Gastrointestinal stasis occurs when movement in the digestive system slows down. It decreases the appetite of the animal …

Ectoparasites: Fleas

The most common external parasite of the dog and cat is the flea. Fleas love warm, humid environments and do not survive for long periods in extreme heat, cold, or low humidity. Depending on where you live, fleas can definitely be a year-round concern, though we tend to have heightened awareness during warmer weather. Fleas are wingless insects and cannot fly, but they are capable of jumping as high as 2 feet. Adult fleas feed exclusively on the blood of …

Rabbit Behavioral Problems: Introduction

A rabbit needs to express normal species-specific behaviors regardless of the environment it is kept in. Rabbits are prey animals and naturally live in social groups. Because rabbits are prey animals, they tend to be on alert for danger at all times. They may hide or mask signs of illness so as not to draw the attention of predators. In social groups, rabbits regularly participate in a variety of different activities. One example is the excavation of burrows to alleviate …

Housing for Indoor Rabbits


Finding the correct cage is one of the most important factors of rabbit ownership. Providing your rabbit with a comfortable living space will help ensure a positive attitude in your rabbit.

Rabbits that are kept indoors need a familiar place that functions similar to a burrow. An indoor cage should be a place to rest and relax. Cages allow the rabbit to be unsupervised. When rabbits are allowed to roam freely around a house, they should be supervised at …

Choosing Hay for Your Companion Rabbit

Rabbit and Hay

Providing hay for your companion rabbit is vital for the overall health of the animal. Rabbits are herbivores and rely on consumption of large quantities of low-quality fibrous plant material to meet their nutrient needs. The gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit and many other small herbivores is specially designed to ferment large quantities of fiber in the cecum or large intestine. Dried plant material or hay is the best way to offer this fiber to a companion rabbit. Providing unlimited …